Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Function follows Form

I was at a men's breakfast when the speaker said something I found interesting...(this of course, is the rough Shah paraphase)
In architecture you have always heard the phrase, "Form Follows Function". This means that you figure out how a building is going to be used and then you design it accordingly. Well, with people, the opposite is true...."Function Follows Form". Find out how you were made and then you'll know what you're supposed to do.

That may not be the most profound thought to you, but it struck me in a fresh way. Its got me thinking a lot about how I was made, and what that means for my life and the church. To be honest, I struggle to think about this area, because I often get confused and frustrated.

What am I good at?.....Who knows? My daughter Savita would say everything...my daughter Meghan would say nothing....

What am I passionate about?....Does sleep count?

I read a book about leadership once and it said something to the effect that if you're a leader and you don't know your gifts, then you're a complete loser (ok, maybe they didn't say "complete loser", but they said it was bad)

I know in God's strength we can do anything....but I long to be inching myself towards what I was made to do...my sweet spot.

Its got me thinking about the implications for my wife....how can I help her discover her form? What about my kids? It seems like one of the most important things for me to learn is how God made them and help them embrace it.......(only 1 thing I know for sure....savita looks good in a headband!)

So much to think about.

(You may have noticed that this is officially my first blog entry that did not end in some nicely wrapped up resolution....it makes me slightly uncomfortable : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
