Friday, March 14, 2008

Choose Your Own Adventure

So my boy is pretty deep. (see, don't we look deep in this picture?)

He knows how to read. He reads 'chapter' books now, and likes to read them before he goes to bed. Well, the other day Heather decided to look in her old boxes and find some books from when she was a kid.

As she rummaged around she found what she was looking for....a choose your own adventure book!

So Sammy gets ahold of this book and starts tearing into it. As he's reading I get a little worried. See, he doesn't really like surprises. So I warn him. "Look buddy", there will be times in this book where it ends. Sometimes it will end badly and sometimes it will be good. Either way, then you go back to the beginning and you can start a whole new adventure!! Yes, I used my best envisioning pastor voice. He seemed troubled. "I don't want it to end. I don't want to start over again" "Ok, don't worry about it, just read and choose your path and have fun!"

10 minutes later I return and he's flipping through the book page by page. He is reciting numbers to himself....43, 74, 40, 51....."what are you doing bud?" "Dad, these are the numbers of the pages where the book ends. If I never pick these numbers then I'll be happy"

"What about the adventure buddy?" "Dad, adventure can make me dead."

True that.

Later I asked Heather, isn't that crazy, all he wanted was to make sure that he avoided all the bad choices. He was neurotic about it. She looked at me with those sweet Dutch eyes, chuckled and said..."I wonder where he got that from"

Ok, maybe from me. Sometimes I wonder if I've spent so much time mastering the numbers to avoid that I've lost the adventure. I love control. Its probably not very spiritual to say so, but deep down I think I like control better than adventure. Adventure can make me dead. Or at least severely injured.

I'm not a good skier. I know what you're thinking....But Jon, you are SUCH a natural athlete, how could you not be a good skier? Well, I've only gone a couple times and each time I do the same thing. I get going, I go fast, I get nervous and I make myself fall. A nice non-violent controlled fall. How lame is that?

Sometimes I think I've missed the whole point.

And now I'm going on a church plant.

Let's face it. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I do know one thing....I am committed to NOT memorizing any page numbers for this one.

1 comment:

the wintersez said...

yay! shah, this blog is like months tardy. that's okay though, since your first entry is so deep. we want the real deal and you're dishing it out. we like how in your email you said that you might only post once. right. you're a blogger and we're checking regularly. keep it coming. - the winterszzzz