Sunday, March 30, 2008


Back in the days of our youth, when our marriage was beginning, and our love was just blossoming, Heather and I used to dream about the children God would give to us. What would they be like? How would they be special?

It was difficult to imagine what was in store for us, but one thing we were sure of...

The Shah children would be unique. They would be different. They would stand out in the crowd.

We had no idea. Let me introduce you to my youngest daughter, Meghan Elizabeth Shah

Yep, she's a beauty. But we also recently discovered something amazing. For those of you unfamiliar with children, it is a common practice for doctors to regularly measure a child to determine if they are growing properly. Height and weight are common attributes, but some would say the most critical is the all important HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE. Over Meghan's first year, she has always excelled in this area. Regularly scoring in the 95th percentile. However, last month, she took it to a whole new level and placed in the 99th percentile. 99th. Pretty amazing huh? Destined for greatness? To be sure. Little did we know....

Last week we took her in for her 13 month check-up. They did the regular tests...

Height - 95th %....weight - 75th %.....then the all important HC....


That's right, I said 100%. Now its been a long time since I took any math classes, but if my memory serves me correctly that means that my daughter Meghan has the LARGEST SKULL OF ANY CHILD HER AGE!

You can't teach that people...its God given.

(FYI - I am currently trying to determine if she's number 1 in the whole world or just in America...the paperwork doesn't really indicate....I'll keep you posted)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! You must be so proud! Just think of all the sass that is dancing around that mind of hers...I can't wait until she can more eloquently articulate it:)